2021: Christmas greetings from nerdhut.de

Dear readers,

It’s almost Christmas again, so it’s time for the annual nerdhut.de Christmas letter and stats report. You may have noticed that I broke this tradition last year as I honestly didn’t want to look back at 2020. At that point, I and many others have hoped that the corona-virus pandemic would be over by 2021. Unfortunately, that was a bit too optimistic, as it turned out. Either way, let’s focus on the positive things and have a look back at the stats of 2020 and 2021!

Continue reading 2021: Christmas greetings from nerdhut.de

The best and worst Simpsons Halloween specials

As some of you might know, the Simpsons are among my favorite TV shows, and I’ve featured the show on this blog before. While I mostly prefer watching the older episodes, I sometimes check out the newer ones as well. So, in the spirit of Halloween, I decided to watch every single Simpsons Halloween special and give you a rundown of my favorite episodes.

Continue reading The best and worst Simpsons Halloween specials

Introducing nerdhut.de shorts

As much as I love writing long and detailed articles about complex projects, those take a long time to finish. Unfortunately, I often end up procrastinating a bit more than necessary before I get some articles done. In those longer articles, I often discuss several topics that are relevant but not directly related to the projects themselves. For example, I sometimes discuss a power supply design or a software design pattern in one part of a longer series. However, to prevent me from procrastinating too much and to make it easier for you, new readers, and search engines, I decided to publish at least one short article each week. These shorter articles discuss a single topic in as much detail as needed using as few words as possible. I’ll keep working on longer and more elaborate projects in the meantime!

Continue reading Introducing nerdhut.de shorts

2019: The annual Christmas report

Just like the snow in GTA Online, the annual Christmas letter on nerdhut is back! This year was the best one so far for this website, which means that this streak goes on since 2016. Let me quickly go over some facts for this year and highlight some goals, that got achieved in 2019!

Continue reading 2019: The annual Christmas report

2018: Annual nerdhut Christmas letter

This year was a mixed one for the nerdhut. Even though I finished interesting projects, helpful articles and informative videos, I feel like there could have been more. Unfortunately, I was pretty busy this year and didn’t have as much time to write articles, as I would have liked to. Anyway, let’s see how the site performed this year!

Continue reading 2018: Annual nerdhut Christmas letter

A long overdue update

So, it’s been quite a while since I published something new and I thought that it’s about time, that I post a short update about what’s going on. I was quite busy working on a robot project and all the articles are already done and sitting around, waiting to be published. But I’m still not fully satisfied with the build, so I guess, that I’ll put this aside for a while and write about different topics instead.

However, here are some pictures of what I’ve come up with so far and I’ll publish the series as soon, as I’m happy with the result.
Continue reading A long overdue update

The end of net neutrality?

As most of you might have already heard, the chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, announced to revert Title II of the Communications Act from 2015, which allowed the FCC to regulate internet service providers (ISPs) and therefore forbid certain business methods, which might discriminate some service providers on the internet, which de-facto puts net neutrality to an end. Continue reading The end of net neutrality?